A friend of mine has been doing what I now know as Dot Painting. She does unbelievable work. I am going to be honest, at first I was like why would you want to just paint dots. But then she would showcase more of work on Facebook and I became in awe of her talent of her beautiful creations. I had no idea you could make such beautiful and unique pieces with dot painting mandalas. Believe me my work is no way in comparison to hers, but she inspired me, she just posted that she has a shop now it is called Jana’s Rockin Dots. When I get a link I will add it here. You will see what I mean by how inspiring her work truly is! This year I felt I needed to do something better than what I handmade for my colleagues last year, which were cute embroidered candy cane holder ornaments, did I mentioned I personalized every single one of them buggers. It was a lot of work. Thanks to Jana’s Rockin Dots I was inspired to make some dot painted ornaments to give and include a candy cane for last years ornament, assuming they kept them. With zero experience in dot painting, why not get experience by trying this fun new project, and I ordered the supplies I needed to begin this dot painting technique. I posted about my practice pieces on paper and on notebooks. But I didn’t have time to get the experience and techniques completely down before Christmas arrived. I had a small handful of ornaments painted and quickly had to decide on alternative gifts. For the ornaments I had finished I decided to go with a snowglobe look on the inside as shown below.

The alphabet beads I had found at my local craft supply store, I glued them together with jewelry glue. I added in the fake snow, cut an artificial berry and a piece of fake pine needle to give it that winter feeling. I made as many different words as I could with what letters I had. If I had made enough ornaments for everyone like I had planned it would have taken quite a few bags to have enough words for all the ornaments I needed to make.
The process…
Honestly I liked them without anything inside them but to give as a gift I felt they needed more than my sloppy painting, so that is when I had decided to do the snow globe. I gave one to a handful of colleagues and the pink one at the bottom was for my daughter. The teal blue one I added in a couple of sea shells for a beach themed tree.
Check out my inspiring friends work at